Browsing CategoryBusiness

How indie publishing is transforming life for authors

Once upon a time, becoming an author was like becoming a top athlete. In other words, unless you were exceptionally talented and also got a lucky break, you may as well kiss your dreams goodbye. Fortunately, all of that is changing. Literally anyone can self-publish and it’s meant that a wave of highly talented writers who were once overlooked for whatever reason can now get their works onto the shelves. It’s a game-changer. Of course, traditional publishing is never going to die out – there are still endless benefits associated with it. You only have to look at Heather Weber…

Is Your Business Financially Healthy Heading Into 2017?

Stop for a moment and consider just how healthy (or not) your business is going into 2017. If things are heading in the right direction, that doesn’t mean you should become complacent. In fact, you should pour even more time and effort into your business, looking to expand upon the growth you have had in recent times. Meantime, if your business has been struggling over the last 12 months or so, can you put your finger on why that is? For many business owners, it is more than just an up-and-down economy. Many business owners fail to see where things…

Choosing the Right Kind of Advertising

Advertising experts like Jonathan Disegi can tell you that there are different kinds of advertising strategies; depending on your goals, some kinds will be better suited than others. For small businesses especially, it is very important to be sure that you are developing the right kind of advertising campaign before you consider the best media for communicating your campaign – mistakes can be costly and hard to correct. Here is a brief overview of two of the most common forms of advertising. Product Advertising If you are about to bring a new product to the market, or you are changing…

How to Increase Your Wholesale Sales

Successful wholesalers like George Bardwil know that sales don’t generate themselves – just as retailers need work to find and keep customers, wholesalers also need to find ways to sell their products to retail sellers. There are a number of ways that wholesale businesses can stand above the crowd to create a loyal base of customers among retailers. Simplify the process Even though wholesalers and retailers represent different stops on the path from manufacturer to the market, their work involves similar processes – each needs to both obtain goods and also to pass them along. Both need to maintain inventories,…

Does Your Brand Effectively Deliver Its Message?


Stop and think for a bit about where your brand would be if it was not effectively delivering its message. If you stopped and said maybe out of business, there is a good chance you’d be right. Although your brand’s message should always be targeted to reaching as many consumers as possible, the content of the message is so important. If the message is positive and shows consumers why they should do business with you, you stand a good chance of earning their trust. On the other hand, a message that is weak and/or misguided, that’s a message giving you…

Carve outs: The differing motives between buyer and seller

They’re one of the most difficult types of deal to arrange, but ultimately, carve-outs can benefit both buyers and sellers terrifically. Private equity companies are often involved in these carve-outs. We could pick out any one of umpteen examples, but to hone in on one, Sun Capital, the company who Marc J Leder is co-CEO of, have completed high-profile carve-outs involving the likes of American Standard Brans and Emerald Performance Materials. In other words, carve-outs are an essential part of the financial industry. The reason that they are rarely simple transactions is simple; both parties have hugely different motives. To…

The importance of delegation if you are a newly minted entrepreneur

If you are out on your own as an entrepreneur for the first time, making a living through your own labor can be an exhilarating feeling. You can dictate the terms by which you add value to the world, making this an experience that will change your life forever. However, as the years go by and your business grows, the workload that you will bear may pose a threat to the long-term sustainability of your enterprise In this essay, we will relay the importance of delegating certain jobs to employees or contractors, as your workload can become an obstruction to…

Solving Common Problems of Businesses with Multiple Locations

Having multiple locations can be advantageous to business. One advantage is that the business can serve their clients more effectively and resolution to issues can be made more quickly if there’s a local counterpart of the business nearby. As with anything, there are two sides of the coin. Let’s discuss the common problems of businesses with multiple locations, and the solutions to these issues. Email Communication For multiple locations, emails are often the most used method of communication. Office staff who rely on this heavily often lose a lot of time looking for topics and email threads. There is also the…

How a Virtual Office Can Grow Your Business

For any startup business, there are a myriad of questions, concerns and worries as your business starts to develop. You need to learn to manage your finances, stay afloat and ultimately stay competitive. It takes time to grow a business, it takes dedication and it also takes money. You need to ensure that you have the staff in place to handle the increased workload and that they are trained in how you conduct your business. Above all else, you need to project your business in the right light to prospective clients. They need to trust you and to feel comfortable…

Reasons Why Your Business Should Outsource Collections  

If you have a business that offers any kind of finance options for your customers, anything from loans to higher purchase agreements then you will know the difficulty non-payment can pose. When people fail to pay you it impacts your business and ultimately your bottom line and do you and your business really have the time to go after people who fail to pay? The hassle that is created by those who fail to pay is huge especially when you have more than a small number of them. To help in such situations you should be looking at outsourcing your…