5 FAQs on Rosacea and its Treatment

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If you suffer from rosacea you will surely know how uncomfortable and distressing this skin condition can be. Rosacea is a health disorder that changes the colouration of the skin and may cause small spots and bumps to appear. Can rosacea be treated? What exactly causes rosacea? Find out more in our quick guide to this skin condition.

1. What Causes Rosacea?

No one is exactly sure what causes this skin disorder. There are many theories regarding the reasons for rosacea. One idea is that in certain people the blood vessels on the face dilate too much and the flow of blood closer to the surface of the skin results in a flushed look to the skin. And certain triggers – environmental factors and aspects of a person’s lifestyle – can also make the skin redder than usual. In addition, rosacea may be more likely if you have bacteria on the skin or sun damage to the skin, inflammation issues, or an irritant on the skin that affects the hair follicles on the face.

2. Can You Catch Rosacea?

Rosacea is not contagious. It is not infectious, so you cannot catch it from someone else or give it to someone. You don’t pick up rosacea through infected air or through bacteria from another person’s skin.

3. Is there a Test for Rosacea?

There is no specific test that tells you that you have rosacea, instead you should get a diagnosis from a GP or dermatologist. The dermatologist will check your skin and ask you questions about your symptoms, the timing of the flare-ups, and what you have done to try and solve the problem. Once a dermatologist has diagnosed rosacea you can begin rosacea treatment.

4. How Can Rosacea Be Treated?

Every person is different, and each treatment plan will be slightly different depending on the exact signs and symptoms and the severity of the condition. Your dermatologist will advise you. If you suffer from pimples and bumps on the skin then it is worth trying a topical cream to ease acne-like symptoms, and you can also apply a topical remedy to reduce the levels of redness in the face. Sometimes it is appropriate to have laser surgery to get rid of the blood vessels that appear prominently on the face. You can also use laser therapy to correct red skin tone.

5. Are Antibiotics Effective for Rosacea?

Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed and this is because they help to relieve the inflammation, and not because they are treating a bacterial infection. When applied in a topical cream it is unlikely that the bacteria on the skin will develop a resistance to the antibiotics. Other drugs are also prescribed for rosacea including medications for people with a severe case of rosacea.