Browsing CategoryHealth & Fitness

5 FAQs on Rosacea and its Treatment

If you suffer from rosacea you will surely know how uncomfortable and distressing this skin condition can be. Rosacea is a health disorder that changes the colouration of the skin and may cause small spots and bumps to appear. Can rosacea be treated? What exactly causes rosacea? Find out more in our quick guide to this skin condition. 1. What Causes Rosacea? No one is exactly sure what causes this skin disorder. There are many theories regarding the reasons for rosacea. One idea is that in certain people the blood vessels on the face dilate too much and the flow…

Is Invisalign the Right Solution for You? Here’s How to Find Out

Invisalign is a modern method of straightening teeth that is much more cosmetically appealing than traditional braces, in that they cannot be seen much like regular steel braces and are therefore much less unsightly to look at; people won’t even know they’re there. The benefits of Invisalign far outweigh traditional braces for a number of consumers, although Invisalign is not for everyone. Why Is Invisalign A Bad Idea For Some People? Let’s get the bad news out of the way, first. We said this was an honest look at Invisalign, so let’s have at it. Invisalign is not ideal for…

Simple Ideas for Alleviating Anxiety After Work

The modern worker commonly endures a stressful life. From not being able to sleep at night to affecting the relationship we have with family members, from resorting to drugs and alcohol to suffering from depression, from fear of job loss to not being able to pay monthly bills—job stress has become the cornerstone of America’s stress. There is no sugar coating it, having a job and having stress go hand in hand, and the only solution for maintaining it is stopping it at its source. Sure, easier said than done, but with a little positive thinking and strategy, there are…

How to get abs for the summer, fast!

It’s May, and your abdomen is as soft as ever. Beaches everywhere will be soon swarming with highly attractive people, so if you are wondering how to get abs for the summer (and fast!) besides just looking for personal trainers in Singapore, then the pointers below will help you get there just in the nick of time…! 1) Fix your diet Most of the gains you’ll need to make in order to gain that beach ready body will come from changes to your diet, as hard as it may be to believe. In this fight, fat is not the enemy,…

5 super foods to add to your diet

  Looking to overhaul your eating habits from the train wreck they presently are? There are many super foods to add to your diet that will add nutrients to your diet that have long been in short supply, while still providing you with the energy and satisfaction you need on a daily basis. Let’s look at five foods you should try as soon as possible… 1) Acai While studies on this berry are still being carried out, it is apparent that acai’s antioxidant properties offer much for those looking to get nutrients into their diet. Recent data has shown that…